Spring Specials

Exterior Painting
Save 10% on any exterior paint job
up to $500!
To redeem this offer, fill out our Free Estimate Form using promo code “SPRING2024“, or mention it when you call our office at (901) 461-3835.
*See Restrictions at bottom of page

Save on Your Next Bathroom Remodel!
10% 0ff!
(Up to $500)*
To redeem this offer, fill out our Free Estimate Form using promo code "SPRINGBATH", or mention it when you call our office at (901) 461-3835.
*See Restrictions at bottom of page

The Champion Home Repair Promise: Highest Quality Work at the Best Price
We'll match any reasonable, written estimate from a competing licensed, insured, painting contractor and give you $100 cash!
*may not be combined with other offers.
Ask your representative.
*Exterior Paint Offer: 10% or $500, whichever is greater. Applies to any exterior paint job.
*Bathroom Offer: 10% or $500, whichever is greater. Applies to any bathroom remodel.